Lunes, Agosto 15, 2011

Why does fakes cost so much???

Even I don’t know why does it costs so much. But ask yourself, is it worth it? Are you proud using it? Are the materials being declared by your seller real?
The feeling of having one bag that looks real is nice, just don’t show your bag to an expert nor telling its authentic because your just fooling yourself not them. Making you a big fat liar. Theres nothing wrong with carrying a fake bag. The fact that most of us cannot afford a real Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Burberry, Bottega Veneta, Prada, etc. its just too expensive.
Before even buying one, try to consider all your options. Know your seller. Is she telling you the truth most especially with the leather materials, quality, and most especially the sellers price.
Based on my experience a 7a Louis Vuitton looks about 50% versus the authentic, sellers say that 7a is made from real cowhide leather but the truth is its not. There is a big difference between a real cowhide leather and the leather being used on 7a fake Louis vuitton bag. My friend is an expert when it comes to leather and he says that the one being used on 7a bags are man made leather. Yes they oxidize but not like a genuine leather.  And if you rip your bag to pieces and examine the backside of the leather there will be some layers in the leather, they are just joined together by some kind of glue and the stitch making it looks like one thick faux leather. Yes it absorbs leather. But not like the genuine cowhide. If you don’t believe just see for yourself. There is also a big difference with the stitches. Louis Vuitton is very precise when it comes to stitches. It is almost even and the thread being used is different.

The Real exact replica bag just looks about 65% to 70% versus the Authentic Louis vuitton bag there will always be a difference with the pattern. Interior, stitches even the embossed markings Louis Vuitton uses a very round O with its name being heat stamped on the leather not oval or oblong. But most sellers you will meet here will say its 1.1 copy to the authentic. Well its not. My friend gave her exact replica alma monogram bag and there is a big difference with my authentic one most especially with the interior of the bag. Though leather is nice than 7a it turns to honey patina same good quality. The real exact replica birkins have nice gait, strong handles, beautifull sturdy face and has an emblem on the belts hardware after the Hermes Paris. But then again I tried to buy from other sellers and they send me a real exact replica just what my friend  has. The reason of that BIG FAT LIAR seller is the quality I was looking for was euro replica. And God her euro replica was 35000 pesos. I also know a seller here in multiply that she is selling a brand new fake Hermes Birkin for almost 75000, what kind of moron who will pay that amount to a fake bag. I don’t know but sometimes people are stupid right likes makebelieve, before buying and spending so much mone to a single fake bag dear ask yourself, is it worth it, can I impress my friends with it saying it’s a fake being bought for the price of 35k to 70k even 300.000 pesos. Baka pagtawanan kappa nila noh. Kahit di sabihin sa harap mo pagtalikod mo naman sabihan ka ng tanga. Hahaha.  Im not that stupid to be scam by that price the truth is The euro replica she was selling is the one that she sells before as exact replicas so beware ladies to that seller. She is a big Scam. MAKING EXACT REPLICAS AS EURO REPLICAS.
How can you justify a person who is scamming those innocent consumers just to earn big. Her site says she is honest and already established the trust of her consumers in multiply. Clue is she also sells authentic bags and BUSY as I am and the other seller has the TOUCH as I am.
. An authentic chanel bag is made from calfskin and not lambskin leather. Its gloss is noticeable even as it ages. There is almost no visible pores to an authentic calfskin leather chanel bag. It should be made from Italy not France on its leather tab. Chanel is also particular with its stitch count and interior. Not all chanel bags has leather interior. For example is the chanel GST bag, the interior should be cloth not leather. In gold hard wares it should be gold plated solid brass not steel or nickel. When it comes to its authenticity card the gold lining on the card should be plain gold and not like the ones being commonly used on fake cards as the lining turns to rainbow when hit by light.
. And also a wake-up call to fake sellers. Feel free to comment. I don’t mind. Just state your experience or how you feel. If you too are a victim of these sellers just write your grudge. Hehehe
Thank you for reading!!!
God bless and have a nice day amigas!!!!                            XOXO!!!!!!!!!

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